Data Transfer : EU Approves New EU-US Framework

The European Commission has approved on July 10th 2023, its adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework last week. This framework affirms that the United States provides an equivalent level of data protection as the European Union for personal data transferred from the EU to U.S. companies.

This new framework allows companies to transfer data from the EU to the US securely and in compliant way. The agreement is a big relief for tech giants such as Meta, Google and Amazon.

The implementation of this new framework follows the invalidation of two previous agreements deemed insufficient in safeguarding the security and privacy of European citizens. These annulled agreements posed significant barriers to various business sectors in their capacity to transfer data across borders.

What this new framework talks about ?

The EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework introduces new binding safeguards that address the concerns previously raised by the European Court of Justice. These safeguards include restrictions on access to EU data by U.S. intelligence services and the establishment of a Data Protection Review Court (DPRC).

DPRC role is to order the deletion of data if found to be collected in violation of the new safeguards. The government’s access to data will be complemented by obligations that U.S. companies importing data from EU must adhere to.

The new U.S. agreement administered and monitored by the U.S. Department of Commerce, with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission ensure seamless cross-borders data flows, covering transfers through standard contractual clauses and binding corporate rules. This promotes data accessibility, security, and fosters stronger international partnerships, benefiting businesses and individuals alike.

How to facilitate cross border data transfer with anonymization ?

At BlurIt, we take data privacy seriously, especially concerning EU individuals and their rights under the new framework. We understand the importance of complying with data protection regulations. Therefore we offer a range of comprehensive solutions to protect people’s privacy.

With our state-of-the-art technology and expertise, we specialize in blurring faces and license plates in pictures or videos. Our main goal is to avoid in potential way that could lead to the identity of EU citizens. This ensures that your platform remains compliant with data privacy laws, while also providing a seamless and secure experience for your users.

By partnering with BlurIt, you can rest assured that you are taking proactive measures to safeguard the privacy of your users. This Fosters trust and transparency in your platform. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of data protection, making us the ideal choice for your data protection.

Sara Deldoul 37 posts
SD Sara Deldoul is the Marketing Manager of BlurIt, and is passionate about all things related to privacy laws and technology .